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Collect ALL Badges by Experiencing and Sharing Your Memories of Mount Gambier

Verified Badge

You receive your Verified Badge when you successfully sign up for your Bucket List account.

Tourist Badge

Your Tourist Badge is awarded for visiting your first location in the region and checking it off your Bucket List.

Wanderer Badge

Your Wanderer Badge is awarded for visiting 3 locations in the region and checking them off your Bucket List.

Explorer Badge

Your Explorer badge is awarded for visiting 5 locations in the region and checking them off your Bucket List.

Tour guide Badge

Your Tour-Guide Badge represents how well you know the region by visiting 7 locations in the region and checking them off your Bucket List.

Virtual local Badge

You are considered a "Virtual Local" when you have visited 10 locations in the region and checked them off your Bucket List.

Social sharer Badge

You receive your "Sharer Badge" when sharing your first memory/photo to Facebook from your travels.

Social chatterbox Badge

You receive your "Social Chatterbox Badge" when sharing your 3rd memory/photo to Facebook from your travels.

Social leader Badge

You receive your "Social Leader Badge" when sharing your 5th memory/photo to Facebook from your travels.

Social influencer Badge

You receive your "Social Influencer Badge" when sharing your 7th memory/photo to Facebook from your travels.

Social ambassador Badge

Our highest, most prestigous badge is our "Ambassador Badge" for sharing 10 of your memories with the world.