Nature Characters
18 February, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
| FreeArtists often make art about the living things in their environment. In the Experimenta Life Forms exhibition you will see artworks that tell stories about animals, plants and tiny creatures that are called microorganisms. All of these things together are called living things. You are a human and you are a living thing too!
Some of the artists in the exhibition are telling stories about real living things and some are telling stories about imaginary living things. The artists want us to understand how living things and humans share the environment together.
In this workshop we will first visit and interact with the ‘You, Me, Things’ artwork created by Uyen Nguyen, Max Piantoni and Matthew Riley from the Experimenta Life Forms exhibition. We will then explore the Cave Garden/Thugi taking photos of interesting plant shapes (BYO device) returning to the Riddoch art studio. We will then use our photos of plants as inspiration to create one-of-a-kind eco creatures. You may wish to name your characters or even write a short story about them!
Suitable for ages 5+.
Please BYO phone, digital camera or other device to take photos.
Please call The Riddoch on 8721 2563 to book your place (please note: bookings are not taken through social media).
*All events are subject to changes – participants will be advised accordingly closer to the event.*