Submit Your Story

NOTE: Text will not be saved if correct image size is not uploaded – please keep a copy of your text until you see “Successfully submitted on this page” – thank you for contributing!!!.

Please complete the required fields.
Please select your image(s) to upload. Max Width: Height is 2550px W x 1440px H or 2MB in file size. Min Width: Height is 1280px W x 500px H. Your post must have an image for successful submission. Thanks!


Editor in Chief at Discover Mount Gambier reserves the right to edit content to meet the content guidelines for publishing on this site. Whilst most edits are normally very small (i.e. typos, spell checks etc), you agree to submit your story on the basis and with the knowledge that changes may be made to it.

Thank you so much for sharing your Mount Gambier story!


Small Print:

By uploading an image, you agree that it is your own original image and to provide that on the basis of a CC0 license which means it’s provided to Discover Mount Gambier on a royalty free basis and no attribution or credit to photographer is required. We will do our best to credit photographers where we can – but no promise or guarantee of that can exist. Hope that’s cool! We can’t wait to share your story!!!

Ideal Image Size