Renewal – Thumb Print Inc
29 April, 2023 @ 8:00 am - 18 June, 2023 @ 5:00 pm
| FreeThumb Print inc.
29 April – 18 June 2023
Cathleen Edkins Gallery
Three years on the COVID pandemic has now largely been absorbed into our way of life. Many events and activities are restarting, and life is becoming relatively normal. This sense of renewal pervades our daily life. Thumb Print is celebrating renewal in all its forms. Our ability to cope with environmental challenges, climate change, drought, floods, leading to accommodation and adaption. Also, our ability to re-evaluate and renew how we use resources and materials and to revisit previously inspired subject matter and art practice. Finally, our ability to rethink our society as we reimage how we live, love and work.
Thumb Print members will explore these ideas using traditional and innovative printmaking methods, sometimes enhanced with colour, brush, pen and pencil. With Renewal in its many forms as inspiration the members have transformed every day subjects and surroundings with new life.
Featuring work by:
Julie Bignell, Barbara Martin, Anne Miles, Sally O’Connor, Ruth Schubert, Sue Shaw, Trudy Tandberg, Diana Wiseman and Stephanie Yoannidis.
Image: Diana Wiseman, Renewal 2, 2022, silk screen over monoprint.