The RSL War Museum is a place you will want to visit while you are in Mount Gambier

While walking through the Mount Gambier Visitor Center I came across a small display of War memorabilia enticing visitors to check out the Mount Gambier RSL’s (Return Services League) War Museum.

You will find the Museum on Sturt street, behind the main bar in the Mount Gambier Community RSL club, just ask one of the friendly staff to show you the way.

From the moment we walked into the Museum we were tranfixed and in awe at how much the RSL  actually has in their collection, on your way in they would appreciate it if you would throw some money in the donation box,  and if you call ahead staff can organize a guided walk through, this is great if you want a more personalised visit.

I  found this Museum to be a humbling experience, I think it is where anyone of any age can go to learn more of what is part of our War heritage,   it showcases old photographs, weapons, and uniforms of all description.

I  received an amazing insight into the activities that all the military units took part in through the wars and  I found that the amount of items on display is quite extrordinary,  something you’d expect from a larger city Museum, all donated by ex service men , women and their families from Mount Gambier and Districts.

Browsing  through the Museum they have all  types of radio communications, wow have they changed through the years! something that our children of today have never seen.

The images of our fallen hero’s do pull at your heart strings, there were so many young men and woman from our area that never made it home,  to see that the RSL War Museum have collected and preserved many of these personal trinkets and items from loved ones that were away fighting the wars really moved me.

The Mount Gambier Community RSL War Museum is worth your time, so do drop in on your next visit into Mount Gamier.


Mount Gambier Community RSL War Museum

Display from the Mount Gambier Visitor Centre